We are humbled to support cancer patients in the Rio Grande Valley since 2008.
Read our patient stories to learn more about their journey with cancer, and the reason behind their fight. Their appreciation for the Renaissance Cancer Foundation is palpable — and we could not do it without the support of our patrons and donors.
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We are proud to provide additional financial assistance to support Leticia’s valiant battle with breast cancer.
After a 28-day hospitalization earlier this year, Magdali was diagnosed with colon cancer.
Teresa was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Making elaborate onesies, dresses, and women’s accessories have kept her busy and in good spirits.
With no family history of cancer, Leticia thought heavy bleeding and abdominal pain were of no great concern.
With a little luck and endless faith, Maria Mayrena will soon be cancer-free and help people in the community.
Maria Rosa never missed her annual mammogram until the coronavirus pandemic. Being cautious, she skipped her yearly check-up.
Early last year, Rosaura was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in her neck. Further diagnostic studies would reveal she also had breast cancer.
Concepción developed a cancerous tumor in her throat over the last three years. Her life was no longer routine after her cancer diagnosis.
Easily fatigued and in constant pain, Ricardo visited his doctor. In May of last year, he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer.
The Christmas holiday was not joyous for José. There was a sudden loss in the family, and the discomfort from painful hemorrhoids was only getting worse. He never imagined the symptoms were due to colon cancer.
Frightened by the coronavirus pandemic, Claudia skipped her annual women’s check-up. One year, her routine check-up would consist of more than the usual mammogram.
Previously, Martha received assistance from our Foundation to help cover some of the expenses of a surgery to remove the cancerous lump in her breast. Radiation therapy is next.
A bad fall would lead Juliana to the emergency room. Upon inspecting her fractured rib, it was discovered the lump in her breast had grown. A biopsy later, Juliana was diagnosed with breast cancer.
A bad fall would lead Juliana to the emergency room. Upon inspecting her fractured rib, it was discovered the lump in her breast had grown. A biopsy later, Juliana was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Breast cancer is not uncommon to Maria Ines. Four of her friends have breast cancer. She soon learned she would join her friends on their journey towards recovery.
Although she had no family history of cancer, Olga remained committed to her annual check-up routine. Little did she know her discipline would save her life.
When Silvia was told she needed radiation, she worried about the cost of treatment. She had not been able to sell clothes and shoes at the local flea markets like she used to since her diagnosis.
With a positive attitude and full of energy, Bernabe is ready for the fight against colon cancer. Financial assistance from the Renaissance Cancer Foundation helped cover the costs of radiation treatment.
No longer able to eat comfortably, he decided it was time to seek medical treatment. It was not long after his visit with the doctor that he was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his throat.
Unemployed due to her illness, Perla did not have medical insurance to cover for radiation treatment. By now, medical expenses had taken a toll on her family.
Radiation therapy is next to reduce the risk of breast cancer recurring after surgery. However, Sandra faced a new obstacle: her medical coverage had terminated.
Twelve years ago, Sanjuana overcame breast cancer. This time, not only is she fighting breast cancer, but colon cancer as well.
“I want to live for my daughters,” shares a tearful Maria. “They need me more than ever.”
Unexpectedly, pathology results from a routine screening colonoscopy indicated that Javier was positive for rectal cancer.
Two of Olga’s sisters are cancer survivors. She knew what their journey was like. With family by her side, Olga feels she can fight cancer and win.
“What you give, God multiplies,” says Florencia. “From the bottom of my heart, I thank every person that has donated.”
“It was important for all of us that Maria start treatment as soon as possible,” shared Manuela. “One by one, every dollar that has been donated helps save someone’s life. We are forever thankful.”
With her faith in God unmoved, Juana prays for healing and for all that have donated towards our mission. She has expressed her desire to help other patients through our Foundation.
A strong family unit keeps Francisca fighting. She shares that her grandchildren encourage her with “Come one, ‘Guela’, you can do this!” And that she will.
“I also cannot thank the Foundation enough for helping me with expenses. May God multiply the blessings to every person that donates to the Foundation.”
“I also cannot thank the Foundation enough for helping me with expenses. May God multiply the blessings to every person that donates to the Foundation.”
“I feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulders,” expresses Maria. “I am very grateful for everyone that donates to help people like me worry less about whether we can afford the treatment we need to heal.”
“Without help from the Foundation, I don’t know how I could afford to pay for my treatment,” shares Guadalupe. He added, “Thank you all at the Foundation for one less thing to worry about.”
“I want to get better to be with my children and my grandchildren,” says Martha unable to hold back her tears. “And for your great-grandchildren,” playfully added her daughter while giving her mother a hug.
“I don’t know what I would have done without help from the Foundation, not knowing how long I would have to wait to start treatment,” shares Maria. “I have been given hope, a chance to live; blessed be everyone that donates to help patients like me.”
Venus was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer that accounts for only 0.6 percent of all cancers in women. “I can’t even begin to explain how grateful I am for every person that donates to the Foundation. You are saving my life.”
“It is a very godly act to donate to help those in need,” says Guadalupe. “That is really loving thy neighbor, and I could not be more thankful to the compassionate people that give to the Foundation.”
Santiago wants to be a living testament of survivorship and faith unmoved. He also wants his story to inspire men in his community to become informed about annual screenings, and seek medical attention early.
Aurelio will soon start radiation treatment . He is not scared or nervous — he is ready to be cancer-free! “I have no words to thank the Foundation for helping me start treatment so fast.”
Martha loves cooking. “Chiles rellenos” are her specialty. Cooking is her passion, and it was her livelihood… Until her cancer diagnosis in December 2019.
Erika wants other cancer patients to know that they are not fighting alone. She has started fundraising to help uninsured cancer patients through the Renaissance Cancer Foundation.
Juana wasted no time and visited her doctor after feeling a lump in her breast last October. Unfortunately, her biopsy results revealed she had breast cancer.
Irma made an appointment with her doctor. She knew to not ignore symptoms. Sadly, this was not her first health scare – nor would it be her last.
Following the diagnosis, Ladislado had to leave his job. With the financial assistance of the Renaissance Cancer Foundation, he has been able to afford the lifesaving care he needs.
Martha was diagnosed with breast cancer in April after discovering a large lump in her right breast. With her young daughters in mind, ages 14 and 10, she was determined not to let the disease win.
It was July 2017 when Raul was officially diagnosed with colorectal cancer. He had just experienced new, unfamiliar symptoms a few weeks prior to diagnosis.