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Meet Rosaura

Phone: +40 789 25 69
Address: 123, Main Street, Paris, France
Brief info

Ornare quis, laoreet a diam morbi feugiat hendrerit tortor, nec dapibus nullam ac mauris quis neque malesuada pellentesque et a odio necmauris porta mauris sit amet sapien bibendum posuere fusce nec laoreet urna imperdiet. leo. Sed sed odio pretium, eleifend nunc a, pretium aliquam id. tortor dapibus, posuere ligula ut, ultrices nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora.

Ornare quis, laoreet a diam morbi feugiat hendrerit tortor, nec dapibus nullam ac mauris quis neque malesuada pellentesque et a odio necmauris porta mauris sit amet sapien bibendum posuere fusce nec laoreet urna imperdiet. leo. Sed sed odio pretium, eleifend nunc a, pretium aliquam id. tortor dapibus, posuere ligula ut, ultrices nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora.


Health issues have been part of daily life in Rosaura’s household. Her husband, an accomplished chef, was forced to leave his career five years ago due to an illness. Since then, Rosaura took on the role of his caregiver -– in addition to being a full-time mother for their two children.
Early last year, Rosaura was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in her neck. Further diagnostic studies would reveal she also had breast cancer. An action plan to treat the cancer was urgent. However, she had no money to start her oncology treatment.
“I was very stressed trying to figure out what I could do to raise the money for treatment,” says Rosaura. “I felt instant tranquility knowing I don’t have to worry about how I am going to pay, but rather how soon I will heal.”
When asked how her life had changed since her diagnosis, Rosaura chuckled. “I’ve gotten used to being in and out of hospitals,” said Rosaura. “But now it’s one sick person taking care of another sick person.”
But that is Rosaura’s fuel to fight and beat cancer: her husband needs her. Their eleven- and twelve-year-old children need her. “I am ready to overcome his disease!” added Rosaura, full of hope.

To help patients like Rosaura, please DONATE to our Renaissance Cancer Foundation. If you would like to organize a fundraiser, please CONTACT US.

Don’t forget to visit our CALENDAR OF EVENTS for upcoming opportunities to become involved in our mission to help underserved cancer patients in the Rio Grande Valley.




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Founded in 2008, the Renaissance Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to provide financial assistance, advocacy, and guidance to underserved cancer patients of the Rio Grande Valley.

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