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Meet Bernabe

Phone: +40 789 25 69
Address: 123, Main Street, Paris, France
Brief info

Ornare quis, laoreet a diam morbi feugiat hendrerit tortor, nec dapibus nullam ac mauris quis neque malesuada pellentesque et a odio necmauris porta mauris sit amet sapien bibendum posuere fusce nec laoreet urna imperdiet. leo. Sed sed odio pretium, eleifend nunc a, pretium aliquam id. tortor dapibus, posuere ligula ut, ultrices nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora.

Ornare quis, laoreet a diam morbi feugiat hendrerit tortor, nec dapibus nullam ac mauris quis neque malesuada pellentesque et a odio necmauris porta mauris sit amet sapien bibendum posuere fusce nec laoreet urna imperdiet. leo. Sed sed odio pretium, eleifend nunc a, pretium aliquam id. tortor dapibus, posuere ligula ut, ultrices nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora.


Bernabe can bring a smile to your face even on your worst day – or his. His cheerful demeanor would make anyone believe he has not had a sad day in his life. But Bernabe has experienced incredible losses, including the deaths of a son, his first wife, and his father.
His current wife, Dolores, fell ill last summer. Thankfully, Dolores recuperated fully in March of this year. A cancer diagnosis one month later was the last thing they expected anyone in their family would have to face again. Their daughter Priscilla had overcome cancer a few years prior when she was in her mid-twenties.
With a positive attitude and full of energy, Bernabe is ready for the fight against colon cancer. Financial assistance from the Renaissance Cancer Foundation helped cover the costs of radiation treatment at the DHR Health Advanced Care Center.
“Life is like a ferris wheel: sometimes you are up there and other times you are at the bottom,” says Bernabe. “I thank the Renaissance Cancer Foundation for helping me hang on to fight this disease and go up again.”
Bernabe wants to give back. He has offered to help during Foundation fundraisers. Mostly, he wants to advocate early detection. “I want to encourage people to not delay medical care because they are afraid of a diagnosis or costly bills. Life is beautiful, and health should come first.”
When asked how he will celebrate the news of being cancer-free one day, he gleefully boasted, “with a carnita asada and everyone is invited!”

To help patients like Bernabe, please consider MAKING A DONATION to the Renaissance Cancer Foundation. If you would like to organize a fundraiser, please CONTACT US.

Don’t forget to visit our CALENDAR OF EVENTS for upcoming opportunities to become involved in our mission to help underserved cancer patients in the Rio Grande Valley.



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Founded in 2008, the Renaissance Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to provide financial assistance, advocacy, and guidance to underserved cancer patients of the Rio Grande Valley.

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