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Meet Olga

Phone: +40 789 25 69
Address: 123, Main Street, Paris, France
Brief info

Ornare quis, laoreet a diam morbi feugiat hendrerit tortor, nec dapibus nullam ac mauris quis neque malesuada pellentesque et a odio necmauris porta mauris sit amet sapien bibendum posuere fusce nec laoreet urna imperdiet. leo. Sed sed odio pretium, eleifend nunc a, pretium aliquam id. tortor dapibus, posuere ligula ut, ultrices nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora.

Ornare quis, laoreet a diam morbi feugiat hendrerit tortor, nec dapibus nullam ac mauris quis neque malesuada pellentesque et a odio necmauris porta mauris sit amet sapien bibendum posuere fusce nec laoreet urna imperdiet. leo. Sed sed odio pretium, eleifend nunc a, pretium aliquam id. tortor dapibus, posuere ligula ut, ultrices nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora.


Olga is blessed with the big family she had always wanted. After her husband’s passing, her seven children have been by her side through the good and the bad times. When diagnosed with cancer a few months ago in March, the support from her family became crucial.
Two of Olga’s sisters are cancer survivors. She knew what their journey was like. With family by her side, Olga feels she can fight cancer and win.
Meanwhile, chemotherapy has already begun for Olga. Doctor Terrence Herman is her oncologist at the DHR Health Advanced Care Center. Radiation under the care of Dr. Oscar Garcia is the next step in her oncologic treatment.
“I am thankful for all the donors, especially DHR employees that support the fundraisers by the Foundation to help patients like me,” says Olga. Financial assistance from the Renaissance Cancer Foundation will help cover the costs of her upcoming radiation treatment. “God bless everyone involved with the Foundation. Thank you.”
Her family prays and hopes for the day she will be free of cancer — including twenty five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Every single one of them give her a reason to fight and overcome.
To help patients like Olga, please consider MAKING A DONATION to the Renaissance Cancer Foundation. If you would like to organize a fundraiser, please CONTACT US.


Don’t forget to visit our CALENDAR OF EVENTS for upcoming opportunities to become involved in our mission to help underserved cancer patients in the Rio Grande Valley.



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Founded in 2008, the Renaissance Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to provide financial assistance, advocacy, and guidance to underserved cancer patients of the Rio Grande Valley.

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