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Erika wants other cancer patients to know that they are not fighting alone. She has started fundraising to help uninsured cancer patients through the Renaissance Cancer Foundation.

Juana wasted no time and visited her doctor after feeling a lump in her breast last October. Unfortunately, her biopsy results revealed she had breast cancer.

Irma made an appointment with her doctor. She knew to not ignore symptoms. Sadly, this was not her first health scare – nor would it be her last.

Following the diagnosis, Ladislado had to leave his job. With the financial assistance of the Renaissance Cancer Foundation, he has been able to afford the lifesaving care he needs.

Martha was diagnosed with breast cancer in April after discovering a large lump in her right breast. With her young daughters in mind, ages 14 and 10, she was determined not to let the disease win.

It was July 2017 when Raul was officially diagnosed with colorectal cancer. He had just experienced new, unfamiliar symptoms a few weeks prior to diagnosis.